Perth Veterinary Acupuncture provides acupuncture to the pets of Perth, as part of a holistic approach to your pet's health care.
Dr Karin Nygren is a Veterinarian Certified in Veterinary Acupuncture who has 25 years of experience working as a veterinarian in Australia and the United Kingdom, and over 15 years’ experience incorporating acupuncture into her clinical work, with effective results.
Acupuncture is primarily known for its pain relieving effects and has been proven to be of great benefit in a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. It is also valuable as sole therapy or in conjunction with conventional or alternative medicines for a variety of medical conditions.
In Western Australia acupuncture in animals can only be performed by a registered veterinarian. The benefit of this is that you can be sure that the practitioner will have a wealth of medical knowledge and experience in assessing and treating your beloved pet.
What acupuncture can do for your pet
• Provide pain relief:
- Arthritis
- Back pain including IVDD
- Soft tissue injuries
- Myofascial trigger point release
- Post-operative pain
- Cancer pain
• Boost immune system
• Promote healing
• Improve appetite
• Increase energy levels
• Provide a general feeling of well-being
• Assist with sleep issues

You can contact Dr Karin Nygren directly for an appointment, or ask your regular vet for a referral. Karin will liaise with your primary care veterinarian, if you have one, to ensure complementary treatment of your pet’s condition.
Tel: 0405 189 872
Email: karin@perthvetacupuncture.com
ABN 25 521 939 027
Copyright 2016 Perth Veterinary Acupuncture.